Procrastination? Disassemble powerful barriers to the doubts in your mind

I started my online journey in March 2022 just as we came out of the Covid 19 lockdowns. I was amazed to see how far mentoring and coaching has progressed. Video collaboration tools had finally addressed security and reliability issues. With many forced to work from the sanctity of their homes these tools allowed families and businesses to connect. New method of remote working and global availability.

Over the last 15 months I have found that there are so many resources willing to help you develop every part of your life's journey. This in itself is overwhelming in knowing where to start.

And that's the thing, you should just start. But...

I know more about myself than I ever have. I am more confident for all the right reasons in social situations. I am a better critical thinker. My faith is reinforced, I am more relaxed and take time to truly appreciate all that I have. But...

This learning has taken a while. I have consumed book after book on personal development, sales and marketing, mentoring and coaching, business and community coaching, the list goes on.

But... how much have I put into practice? How much have I built on my knowledge? Well, not as much as I should have. The voices and doubts in your mind. All the reasons why this won't work. What people will think of you.

All Bosh! Get on with it! What do you have to lose? You've go this!

I am know turning the game around towards outcome driven results based upon this foundational knowledge which is priceless. I am confident, resolute, ready and willing to take on anything and everything.

I am a cyber security professional and business mentor helping clients find their way. The power to my positivity is transmutable to my clients, so they can achieve their greatest ambition and goals in life.

This is the first of many blogposts to come covering all area's of cyber security, personal growth, health and finance, and just enjoying a wonderful, beautiful life.

If you haven't already, check out my post to why Cyber Essentials is crucial for your business online security as a minimum. For more information contact IASME (UK) who can take you through the process. For the USA please contact CISA for a getting started kit.

Please leave comment below to acknowledge where you are on life's journey? Whether you have considered broadening, starting or up-skilling to a career in cyber security and most importantly, what brings you the greatest joy?

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